Obama and Gay Marriage One Year Later The New Yorker 580x386 picture

On gay marriage, Biden forced Obamas hand says White House 605x328 photo

Michelle Obama confronts gay rights heckler at fundraiser Michelle Obama The Guardian 460x276

Obamas gay marriage problem 605x328

Michelle Obama reveals she snuck out of White House to celebrate gay marriage ruling 1024x683 pic

Obama announces he supports same-sex marriage CNN Politics 720x486 image

Barack Obama and his wild, drug-taking roomie Barack Obama The Guardian 460x276

Obama on same-sex marriage ruling We have made our union a little more perfect 680x510

Reflecting on President Obamas LGBT Legacy 896x450 photo

Romneys Views On Gay Marriage Also Evolving? 1000x561

Ten Famous Allies Who Came Out for Equality in 2012 GLAAD 600x600 image

Not Always A Thunderbolt The Evolution Of LGBT Rights Under Obama 1100x618 pic

Obama Supreme Court Same-Sex Marriage Ruling A Victory For America The Two-Way 1100x618

2012 The Year of the Attack of the Gay Muslim Kenyan Divorcee President The New Yorker 465x317 picture

In Social Media, Support for Same-sex Marriage Pew Research Center 507x373 photo

Ted Cruz Not a Fan of Pride Parades 1200x630

Barack Obama separates from his wife, as he is living a double life as a homosexual/ 1200x630 photo

Gay, Catholic, and American 600x900

What Theyre Saying President Obama Signs Executive Order on LGBT Workplace Equality whitehouse.gov 520x346

Trump and Gay Rights Foreign Affairs 1200x630 image

Senegal Cheers Its President for Standing Up to Obama on Same-Sex Marriage 600x400

George W 608x342 picture

LGBT donors back President Obama, big time CNN Politics 1024x576

Joan Rivers Calls President Obama Gay, Says First Lady Is Tranny (Video) 349x466

Supreme Court rules gay couples nationwide have a right to marry 606x404 pic

Obama administration files SCOTUS brief supporting marriage, opposing Prop 8 Freedom to Marry 400x400 pic

Mugabe proposes to Obama after US legalizes same-sex marriage 744x486 photo

George W 650x400 picture

Homosexuality still a crime in 38 African countries Al Jazeera America 480x300 photo

Far Right-wing campaign targets openly gay Obama appointee Equality Florida 313x400 photo

Donald Trump Opposes Nationwide Marriage Equality 1200x600

Two-Thirds of Democrats Now Support Gay Marriage Pew Research Center 407x356 picture

Obama announces he supports same-sex marriage CNN Politics 800x450

Is Obama the first gay president as Newsweek proclaims? 900x592 picture

Despite Agreements, President Obama, Kenyan President Differ on Gay Rights 992x558 picture

Obamas gay marriage controversy I am just not very good at bullshitting Barack Obama The Guardian 1200x630 pic

Kenyans to Obama Spare us the gay talk 976x549 photo

Obama names Stonewall Inn area as first national monument to LGBT rights 1100x619 picture

Democrats Draft Gay Marriage Platform 600x330

Obama, the Courts, and Gay Marriage The New Yorker 465x262 picture

Congress is considering making same-sex marriage federal 1000x742

President Obama on Gay Marriage 480x360
Well since you asked so nicely..sure
To start with
Oh wow!!!! Amazing
Prophetess who?
Would love to suck both of those